Friday, November 18, 2011

Pope Benedict encourages praying the Liturgy of the Hours

At the end of his Wednesday Audience this week, Pope Benedict XVI said,

"I would like to renew my call to everyone to pray the Psalms, to become accustomed to using the Liturgy of the Hours, Lauds, Vespers, and Compline. Our relationship with God can only be enriched by our journeying towards Him day after day."

It is part of our ministry as deacons, and even already as aspirants and candidates, not only to be firmly attached ourselves to praying the Office, and letting it form and enrich us, but also to encourage and teach others to do the same. Over at New Liturgical Movement, they put up a nice post about this Wednesday audience, and some simple tips on beginning:

First, while not underestimating what you can do, do not bite off more than you can chew either... Second, establish a routine around the praying of the Divine Office... The third suggestion I would give is for you to buy a liturgical wall calendar...

It's worth reading.

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